Christmas Drink Driving 2014

Posted By admin On 19/03/18
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Christmas Drink Driving 2014

It's not worth the risk - Christmas anti-drink driving campaign 2014 (19 Dec 2014) A hard-hitting video showing a young woman caught drink-driving has been released. This 1964 film was the first public information film that asked people not to drink and drive. 2014 marks the.

And the Association of Chief Police Officers ( ACPO) are joining forces to warn drivers that getting behind the wheel after a festive tipple could see them end up behind bars this Christmas. Baixar Musicas Mais Tocadas Na Radio Mix 2014 more. A hard-hitting television advert highlighting the consequences of drink driving will be shown throughout December as part of the Department for Transport’s THINK! Christmas drink drive campaign. ACPO today (30 November 2012) also launched its anti-drink and drug driving enforcement campaign, warning that young drivers and people driving the morning after a night of drinking pose a huge risk.

Road Safety Minister Stephen Hammond said: Drivers should be in no doubt that if they get behind the wheel after drinking this Christmas, they risk losing their licence as well as facing a fine and even a prison sentence. Christmas should be a time for a celebration not a night in the cells. That is why our TV advert reminds drivers of the consequences of a drink drive conviction. In 2011, 280 people were killed in accidents where the driver was over the limit. Our message is clear: Do not let a selfish decision ruin your life or someone else’s.

ACPO roads policing lead, Deputy Chief Constable Suzette Davenport, said: If you don’t drink and drive this Christmas you reduce the risk of killing an innocent person, or yourself. It is really that simple. It is an absolute scourge on our society and shameful that in 2012 some drivers fail to realise the impact of drink or drug driving. Next year’s figures could include them or one of their family members. Insidious 2 Download Utorrent.

Last year, drivers aged between 20 and 24 failed more breath tests than any other age group. This year’s THINK!

Christmas drink drive campaign is aimed at young people who are shown to be consistently over-represented in drink drive casualty figures.* ACPO’s enforcement campaign targets well-intentioned drivers who do not think they are breaking the law but may be over the legal limit by the time they get into their cars in the morning. Police forces will be taking to roads across the country to stop and check drivers. Those found to be over the limit will face prosecution, which can lead to a jail sentence.

DCC Davenport added: There are some drivers who think they are obeying the law but are in fact breaking it by getting into their cars the morning after a night of drinking. People may be surprised to hear that last year between the hours of 6am and 11am more than 400 people failed breath tests (or refused to provide a specimen), which is more than those caught for the hour before or after midnight. ** Drivers need to be aware that regardless of the time of day they are caught, whether they are going to work or taking children to school, they will face the same penalties as someone who has chosen to drink heavily in a pub and driven at night. Robert Gifford, Executive Director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS), said: It is good to see the department re-launching the Christmas drink-drive campaign. This advert reminds drivers that the choice is theirs but the responsibility for the wrong choice will stay with them for years to come. If in doubt, do not try to mix two activities. Stay sober at Christmas and during the rest of the year.

As well as the THINK! Campaign, the Department for Transport is currently consulting on a package of tough measures to crack down on drink drivers. This includes removing drink drivers’ rights to demand a blood or urine test. This is because evidence shows it is used as a delaying tactic by drivers caught over the limit. Note to editors It is provisionally estimated that 2011 saw 280 deaths, 1290 serious injuries and 9,990 total casualties directly related to drink driving incidents. Christmas Drink Drive campaign budget totals £783,925. TV advert - Moment of Doubt - will be aired 4 December to 23 December.

For a high-resolution copy of the advert contact the Department for Transport’s press office on 020 7944 6898 THINK! Campaign posters can be downloaded directly from the ACPO’s Christmas campaign runs from 1 December 2012 to 1 January 2013. For more information about the Department for Transport’s consultation into the removal of a driver’s right to a blood test, read this * **.